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 Travian Rules for LW and every wings

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Travian  Rules for LW and every wings Empty
PostSubject: Travian Rules for LW and every wings   Travian  Rules for LW and every wings Empty22nd December 2006, 04:18

Alliance - General Rules

This are the General Rules of LW, for all kind of people:
- People that want request membership
- New Members
- Full Members
- Leadership

1 Active player.

1.1 Be active in game, at least log in once a day. If you can't do that chose a sitter from the alliance to do it.

1.2 Be active in foruns, participate in all topics, and let us know all info requested.

2 Help the Alliance

2.1 Cooperate with all members to complete all kind of LW Goals.

2.2 Never put your own goals in front of Alliance Goals, always think if your own plans have any benefit to whole group.

2.3 Respect all members, like own friends.

2.4 Follow orders of the Leadership (Leader, Diplomats, War Masters)

3 Population / Villages / Location

To join the alliance is recommended...

3.1 ... that the player population is near of the average population of the alliance.

3.2 ... that the player have at least 3 villages.

3.3 ... that is Location be near of one of the LW Zones.

3.4 The 3 points posted before, are recommended conditions, you still can present your Membership Request (if you don't complete all 3 requests), and give us some extra details that can be a good reason for you join us.

4 Leadership / High Ranks

4.1 High Ranks that lack in participation in foruns or work for the goals, will step down in the ranking list.

5 Inactive Members / Bad Behaviour

5.1 Any Member that be inactive for more that 3 days (red dot) will be kicked from the Alliance, and farmed.

5.2 Any Member that have a bad behaviour to any other member or to the Alliance will be kicked from the Alliance, and farmed.

5.3 In special cases, depends of the alliance decision, the ex-Member will not just farmed, but will be too destroyed by LW members.

Last edited by on 27th February 2007, 16:46; edited 2 times in total
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Travian  Rules for LW and every wings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Travian Rules for LW and every wings   Travian  Rules for LW and every wings Empty13th January 2007, 15:24

High Ranks - Leadership Function Rules

1 Zone Leader
Each zone of LW have one Leader responsible for the control of all Zone orders, cooperation and organization. And need to have a great relation and team work with his War Master and Diplomat

2 War Master

2.1 The War Master will be the man with the responsability to create offensive and deffensive villages inside of the alliance, designate which villages and alliances are our enemies. And will have a great work and cooperation with the leader and the other Zone War Master in all kind of War Matters.

2.2 Officer (War Master)
Will have similiar function to the War Master (working under his orders), but this kind of rank only will be created in times that the Alliance have an high amount of members in each area.

3 Diplomat

3.1 The Diplomat will be the man with the responsability to create a better cooperation between villages inside of the alliance, talking with weak villages to know their needs, requesting help to strongest villages to complete goals. Seek for new allie villages, and contact other alliance to create Alliance or NAP's (non agressive pact's). And will have a great work and cooperation with the leader and the other Zone Diplomat in all kind of Diplomacy Matters.

3.2 Officer (Diplomat)
Will have similiar function to the Diplomat (working under his orders), but this kind of rank only will be created in times that the Alliance have an high amount of members in each area.


You can suggest your name to take one of the ranks, if exist more that one candidate we make an election. In case nobody show interest to take one of the ranks, the Leaders of each Zone have free decision to pick a member to the functions needed.

Inactive High Rank
Any High Rank that lack in his functions will step down of the Leadership rank and be a simple Full Member.
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Travian  Rules for LW and every wings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Travian Rules for LW and every wings   Travian  Rules for LW and every wings Empty13th January 2007, 15:33

Players - Membership Request / Invitation

1 After one membership request/invitation the non ally-village have 3 days of NAP, in that 3 days the player of that village (or the members of LW) will make a final decision about the request.

1.1.1 In case of Invitation, after the 3 days if the player give no answer will be considered that he refused the propuse. And the NAP will be break.

1.1.2 In case of Invitation, after the 3 days if the player accept join LW, he will have a trial time of 2 weeks to test his behaviour before be a Full Member.

1.2 In case of Membership Request the leadership will let the player know the final decision.

1.2.1 If the Request is refused, the NAP will be break.

1.2.2 If the Request is accepted, the player will join LW in the Team of New Members. And will have two weeks of trial time to test his behaviour, before be a Full Member.


The candidatures are individual. When you post your candidature, the members of alliance will vote for you accept or not. It may be that questions are asked to you during this vote. The vote will finish only when the majority of the members vote.
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Travian  Rules for LW and every wings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Travian Rules for LW and every wings   Travian  Rules for LW and every wings Empty13th January 2007, 15:35

Alliances - NAP's and Alliances Rules

1 1st contact
Any kind of 1st contact to make a NAP or Alliance between other Alliance and LW need to be done in our foruns in the correct topic.

2 Request of Alliance

2.1 The request of an Alliance will permit one week of mutual NAP.
In that time LW or the other Alliance will make a final decision.

2.1.1 If the propuse is refused a new contact will be made to try a NAP. And will be added more 3 days of mutual NAP.

2.1.2 If the propuse is accepted both alliance will create one Set of Guidelines to guide both Alliances, to increase cooperation and friendship between both sides.

2.1.3 If all contacts faill, both alliances back to normal state and any kind of scout, pile, destruction is again permitted.

2.2 If any scout, pile or destruction problem appear in the middle of the NAP time, Diplomats will work to solve all and negotiations will not be break.

3 Requesting NAP

3.1 The request of a NAP will permit one week of mutual NAP.
In that time LW or the other Alliance will make a final decision.

3.1.1 If the propuse is refused or no answer given, both alliances back to normal state and any kind of scout, pile, destruction is again permitted.

3.1.2 If the propuse is accepted one Set of Guidelines will be created to permit a better implement of Non Agressive Actions. Any NAP have the duration of one Month, and will be again discussed inside of LW. And a final decision will be presented to NAP Alliance.

3.2 In case of any attack, scout or pilling attempt by any of the sides. The negotiation of NAP will be directly broke.

3.3 In case of any attack, scout or pilling attempt after NAP be acepted. Diplomats will enter in contact with the other alliance to request a compensation.
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Travian  Rules for LW and every wings Empty
PostSubject: Re: Travian Rules for LW and every wings   Travian  Rules for LW and every wings Empty

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