Greetings Light Warriors of All Wings,
My name is H3rlihy, a recently new member of the Scorpion Brotherhood Alliance. I have come here to ask for the initiation of a Confederation between SCB and at least one of your wings.
On behalf of the SCB alliance, I would like to request the chance to prove that a Confederation would benefit both alliances.
Alliance Name:
Scorpion Brotherhood or *SCB*
We have 39 members, 65 villages, and a total population of 21,676.
We are located mostly in the SW and NE.
Alliance Description:
Since i have Just joined, it will be hard for me to describe this alliance. All i can say is that when I have taken it over, it will be an alliance dedicated to Diplomacy, Fairness, helping our Confederations towards Endgame Victory.
Reasons to for the Request:
I am asking for this confederation for three reasons:
1. I wish to end the conflict between LW-UD and SCB
2. I wish to work with one of the greatest and Fairest Meta Alliances in Server 7.
3. This peace negotiation will thrust me into a higher seat of power in this alliance. With this peace negotiation i will be able to make the big decisions, work directly with LW, and have this entire alliance working towards the LW endgame Goal(s).
Extra Info:
If my request is accepted, SCB will be a dedicated participant in an LW endgame. With this negotiation finalized, SCB will basically be another limb of LW, working for it, with it, and completely dedicated to win it.
I have been in this alliance for 1 day and I have a clear cut path to the top. You can make day two the icing on the cake of victory, and I can make sure SCB is working with you, whatever the endeavor may be.
Peace be with all of you
Have a great day or evening.
P.S. Please contact me if you require any more information. I will be more than happy to provide.